Friday, February 25, 2011

Solowheel: Unicycle of the Future

"Solowheel is the smallest, greenest, most convenient People Mover ever invented ... The Solowheel is very portable and weighs only twenty pounds. This allows you to carry your wheel with you: into a store or restaurant, on an elevator, into work, to the movie theatre, onto a bus or train, or into your classroom. Transportation that provides users with an easy, uncomplicated, straightforward ride is the goal of the Solowheel. So get on and get going wherever you are!"

The question is, how hard is this to balance on?

[via Core77]

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Heartwarming & Hand-Jerking: Only on the Internet!

Occasionally I come across something while browsing that warms my heart. Ad then, maybe a 1/4 of a second later I'll see someone's comment that either causes a LOL, or intense disgust with my fellows. Essentially, it's an "Awwww" type moment, followed by hilarity (mirth?) or disgust.
Rarely, there is a third combination, wherein some algorithm has placed a fascinating, or touching piece of information right next to a ridiculous piece of information. Case in point:
I googled eye-tracking mouse, because i though it'd be nice to have both hands on the keyboard for rapid typing, but I could use these pesky eyes for something like moving my cursor right there. You dig? So I came upon this video example of something exactly like that (, and following the video, I noted the top comments, as selected by Youtube citizenry, aka the Tubery. Someone commented that they are paralyzed from the neck down and have been using such an assistive device for years. The next comment, with only 2 fewer 'likes,' well...

There ya go, America.

Friday, February 18, 2011

MSU Archives: Flickr

Women sitting on the steps of the Women's Gymnasium

Curious what campus looked like before it was overrun with Ugg boots and (until recently) Four Loko?

MSU archives has a flickr, and if you're a legacy student, maybe you'll spot your great-great grandpa somewhere in there, gallivanting around in his M.A.C. varsity jacket.

(via InAnOffWhiteRoom)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Offensive, Funny Personalized License Plates

These vanity plates I see hanging off the back of cars got me wondering, what kind of funny but offensive things are still available here in Michigan. Not surprisingly, the state has gone through some steps to ensure you cannot include the typical profanity and vulgar language. What the state doesn't know is that I use much more than the typical profanity and vulgar language. Here are some of the license plates I found out you can still personalize here at the State of Michigan license plate system.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Hints For Her (To Give Him)

Valentine's Day comes around every year, and for some people it's a big deal. For others, it doesn't matter at all. Regardless of your state, it IS always nice to get a gift on Valentine's Day, even if you're a guy. Unfortunately, you (the girl in the relationship) thought that he (that dude you think isn't cheating on you) would love this gift here to the right. --->
This is a piece of crap, and no guy wants it, or anything similar.

I know what you're saying to yourself, ladies. "Jon, you idiot, it's too late, Valentine's Day is today." Allow me to respond thusly: it doesn't matter. Send your dumb puzzle back and tell the dude that you bought something online and its on the way. He'll love it in a week, too, don't worry. Below are the things you should have bought him, in no particular order.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pyrokinetic Andre the Giant

Artist Michael Axt drew this.  It's Andre the Giant all fired up.  I'm hoping he gets a small run of indy comics showing old-school WWF wrestlers with real super-powers battling it out.  Anyone up for a Jake the Snake who can actually turn into a snake?

Valentine's from NPR

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Puppy Bowl VII - Who's Your Puppy?

CB - Jon's Pick
Great news, America! It's that time of the year where we gather friends and family around the TV, eat too much junk food and make bets on the amazing event taking place on this day. PUPPY BOWL VII! The starting lineup can be found here. Post a comment on which one is your pick!

This year's leading contender, according to Puppy Bowl Correspondent Jon Whiting, is a 16 week old Shih Tzu/Beagle Mix named CB. According to Animal Planet, CB loves the Sunday crossword puzzle! The annual puppy bowl airs on the Animal Planet at the same time as the less-viewed 'Superbowl.' Cameras follow the action with a group of puppies and the excitement is nonstop.

Jon's Point of ViewThe best contenders in the puppy bowl have the following characteristics:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Hour Power Hour

We're gonna do a show with 60 topics in 60 minutes, but we need your support. Give us ideas in the comments of this post. Things like "Robots," "Cowboys," "Tatoos," "Ice Cream," "Moustaches," et cetera.

Incidentally, when you write or type the phrase, 'etc.' I hope you know that you are writing am abbreviation of the phrase "et cetera," which is a Latin phrase meaning "and the rest," loosely translated as "and so on." So if you're thinking of the singer from the band Chicago, singing the song "If You Leave Me Now," you might think of his name (Peter Cetera) as Peter "The Rest." because they are spelled the same way.

Got that? In two weeks we'll do a Happy Hour Power Hour, and should you choose to drink along with each topic change, make sure to do so responsibly. Definitely no driving.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The United States Of Beer: Thanks For All Of The Four Loco, Nevada; MGD64, Florida :-/

The Internet is a lovely place, because you can find it all. Last week we ran a post on The U.S. of Shame, and we were happy to come across the The United States of Beer on the Houston Press' brew blog. The joke is, some of us alcoholics love this sort of thing. Thanks, Houston Press.

Without any further ado, check out what beer represents which state. Excited to see what Michigan falls into? I'll give you a hint: if you're an alcoholic beer connoisseur like me, it's a brewery of Michigan in your top three.

Hoppy FeBREWerey!

click to enlarge.