Monday, December 26, 2011

I Wish I Had Voted for Santa

But I completely missed this election coverage video. Completely awesome, and who can argue with "No presents for gays..."? I mean, they're gay! They're automatically jolly! That's what gay means!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Two FREE Chris Dorman tracks, for a limited time... To support the live hhour on Wednesday November 16th, at 7:30 in the Residential College Auditorium, Snyder Phillips hall... Event info and links here:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Electric DeLorean Proves We're Not Alone: Back to the Future is Real

In the best news ever department, the future seems to be on schedule, with the release of the Nike future shoes seen in BTTF, and now an electric DeLorean, slated for release in 2013.

I read about it in Engadget

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Nick, a grad student at MSU made an original Tigers Rally Video to the tune of Hardest Button to Button: 

Friday, September 30, 2011

Star Wars Imperial March as Performed by 3.5" Floppies

Are you kidding me? If this kind of thing had been around years ago, Apple never would've ditched floppies. They would've turned it into a midi instrument! This is awesome!

via [Gothamist]

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Rick Perry's Got My Vote

This lip sync video of Republican Presidential Hopeful Rick Perry is fuckin hilarious.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Graph Dat Ass

This is mostly for j-Wize, but I recently found this site, which allows you to print a variety graph paper(s), including square, triangular, hexagonal, circular, polar, asymmetric, and other specialties. Blow your mind.

Additionally, the quite interesting concept of Whitelines, discussed in one of my favorite blogs, Cool Tools. Sort of like inverse graph paper, it is white paper with a light grey grid of squares printed on it. The spaces where no squares are printed replace the lines in the traditional graph paper. It makes sense when you see it, and is apparently quite the bees knees...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Puppets Grinding On Each Other To 'Hot In Herre' = Awesome Video

Harry Potter Pt 2 IMAX 3D giveaway today

Just a note, we'll be giving away Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II tickets today, in the latter half of the show, courtesy of Celebration Cinemas. Did I mention they are in IMAX 3d? I JUST saw this on Tuesday in IMAX 3D, and totally felt like it was worth the price.

But why pay when you don't have to?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What is

It’s a place on the internet. A place for nerds. It's a friend to

You see, in the modern world there is simply too much going on to be a nerd.  Unless you are a professional blogger or podcaster who makes their living talking about and writing about your obsession, it’s practically impossible to stay up to date with every video game, ever comic book, every movie, every bit of Harry Potter minutia, every every.

We are not professionals.  We are nerds.  Just some fellas who got together to talk about stuff we like.  
The idea arose from Kevin Smith starting a podcast network and giving his friends a podcast.  It occurred to us, if we did that we would have internet content to read and listen to.  On top of that, I get my friends’ opinions on the things they and I like.
That’s the key - it’s not a professional opinion, it’s not a celebrity opinion, it’s not someone who lives 1000 miles’ away’s opinion.  It’s my friend’s opinion.  And I can go and talk to him and chew him out when he disagrees with me.
The idea of is that.  Fun.  Talking.  Friends.

And to make it fun, here and there we get some imaginary friends involved.
I said it was for nerds didn’t I?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Auto Enduro Was Cool. [Like A Destruction Derby]

Oh man! Last night I went to the Eaton County 4-H Fair and hit up the Grandstand to check out the Auto Enduro. It was AWESOME!

Did you go see this thing ever? The cars race around a dirt track in a 5-or-so lap race and are TOTALLY allowed to run into each other way a lot. AND one of these cars had a Spongebob on it. A SPONGEBOB.

AND - in the middle of the thing, there was a burnout competition. Way awesome!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Local Boy Hero Begins Bicycle Trip To California Via Route 66 For Charity

Alan Murphy, Michigan State alumni from hometown Sagainaw, MI, has begun a bike trip across the country via what he deems on his accompanying blog (link here) as 'The Mother Road' of Route 66.

Murphy, member of the band Molly's Brother and professional cool guy with a heart of gold, is planning to complete this trip in 24 riding days, and is accepting donations for charity. According to the event Facebook page, Murphy hopes to "raise money for the Covenant HealthCare Foundation to help their breast cancer center. My mother is a five year survivor of breast cancer and credits an early diagnosis and treatment to her recovery."

This monster trip will cover 10 states and over 2600 miles in less than a month. Murphy has already made an appearance in Lansing, MI for a quick bite to eat at local restaurant Crunchy's, and continues on his way to Kalamazoo today.

The Happy Hour blog wishes Alan the best in his trip, and will keep us all updated as his journey continues.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Quit Worrying About Your Boss Or Family, Now The Pope Is On Twitter

Today, the Pope made his first twitter post, under the username @news_va_en. It kinda makes you wonder if you should be using your 140 characters to be doing something better than talking about that monstrous long island you had and the repercussions that came from it. That being said, without that long island we wouldn't have had nearly that much fun, right guys?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Pluto Responds To NASA In Planet Debate

We didn't make this, but it's funny. We got it from here, they might have made it. [Also, is this some sort of meme, or did they just spell sincerely wrong?]

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Jon's Favorite Twitter Feed & Hashtag

The #selfemployed tag makes me giggle every time I see these tweets from weirdjontweets. Additionally, this is funny because it is my own twitter. Yes, my favorite twitter feed I wanted to share with you is my own. #notpatheticjustreallyfunnysoshutup

Monday, June 20, 2011

Cute Mashups: Cat & Dolphin

Well, if you love cute things, you'll want to see a cat playing with a dolphin. You know who didn't love cute thing? Hitler.

Harry Potter and the Pottermore Rumors

This Bobocast - A Harry Potter Podcast tries to get you all to calm down! The movie is going to be different from the book, and that's fine - I explain why inside. Also Pottermore rumors. Based on evidence we have from the web we can make a few guesses at the Pottermore mystery, but really won't be able to be definitive until a leak springs. Will I spring it? Who knows?

Misleading Hot Dog Cart

Vendors will do anything for a sale nowadays at Bonnaroo.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Doug Mains and the City Folk on iTunes

Just noticed on Doug et al.'s site that their first single is available on iTunes! Kudos to the official HHour House Band!

Summer Fun at Summer Circle Theater

This weekend's Summer Circle theater presents BOOM, a free event that imagines gettin a little booty lovin at the end of the world. The outdoor theatre takes place on the banks of the Red Cedar by the Auditorium, just off of Farm Lane. Shows are at 8:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

Friday and Saturday shows also feature an hour-long comedy performance in the style of Commedia Dell'Arte, which is basically the 15th century Italian version of Whose Line is it Anyway, or Improv comedy. That show starts at 6:00 p.m.

Check it out, and look for Impact star Lauren Lograsso!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bonnaroo Proves To Be Crazy, Dirty Time

I, Happy Hour's own megasuperstar, Jon Wonderboy, attended Bonnaroo this year in Manchester, TN for what weighed in as one of the dirtiest [actual dirt] and most fun times I've had at a music festival.

Yes, I was one of the people who refused to pay the $7 to take a shower so as to just get filthy again within an hour in what I dubbed as the Dust Bowl of 2011. No shame at Bonnaroo, I'd say.

But even more important, the music was awesome. Here's a list of what I saw:

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Where Are They Now? : Star Wars :

People have been asking me a lot lately, "Jon, where are the people from Star Wars now?" or "Where were they ten years ago?" or "Jon, do you have any funny pictures of them?" I will use this post as my reply to the barrage of letters I have been getting on the subject.

Luke Skywalker : Mark Hammill
Still living it up in the 80s.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist Video Still Cool As A Cucumber

We at have been listening to The Avalanches for a long time, and we thought it about the right point in our shared Internet life to let you in on this video. It's cool. Real cool.

Monday, May 16, 2011

As Expected, Michael Bolton Loves Pirates [Jack Sparrow SNL Short]

Talk about no shame, Michael Bolton jumps on the Lonely Island bandwagon as he is featured on one of their latest tracks, "Jack Sparrow." At first you may think, "Golly. I didn't think Michael Bolton would be interested in doing such material with adult language and themes throughout." Well, I understand your thought, but allow me to remind you that Bolton had such hits as, "Can I Touch You...There?" as featured in our previous cassingle blogpost

Friday, May 13, 2011

Pandora Radio [Classical Music] Fail

People know I can be a nerd, now you will, too. I went on Pandora and wanted to listen to some classical music, so I typed in "Dvorak New World Symphony." (Trust me, it's a [Romantic] Classical Piece.) ANYWAYS, since I've met the nerd quota here, Pandora recommended to me the "piece" below:

Yes, it recommended a remix of Lady Gaga. Fail.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Great F*©king News! Swearing Cures Pain!

According to a study from England's Keele University, swearing can help soothe pain. The study was conducted by having the subjects put their hands in a bowl of icy water. One time, the group was told they couldn't swear at all, and the other time was told they could swear as much as they wanted. Their task: hold their hands in the icy water as long as they could.

Results? When people were able to swear throughout the experiment, they could keep their hands in the water on average 40 seconds longer! That's f*cking great!

This isn't new research we're hearing about, though. For some reason, it apparently takes the Los Angeles Times two years to write about it, and then it takes me an additional month or so to pick it up and tell you.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Severus Snape: The Usual Suspect

Discussion of literary choices for the name "Potter", an answer to the question "Why broomsticks?" And predictions for the upcoming summer movie.  Primarily discussion of Severus Snape as the most suspected, redeemed, and finally detested villain.  Who knows how the film will depict this delightfully slithering snake. Follow more Potteresque nonsense at @Bobocast on Twitter!

Giant Cake Dick: Love and Golf

Tony pops the L-Word (love you freaks). Andy becomes more domestic than he expected due to the magical influence of slippers. Cake is served - it truly is the good life. The Podcast Network is introduced with impassioned rhetoric and little fanfare. 'Last Cock Standing', a TV cooking show about erotic cakes, is invented. Kids' shows are boring.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Emotional Maturity: Pretending we have some

We cover the rules of dating younger people, the dangers (or not) of meeting the parents, and how to treat women. Tony reveals he's a cuddler who can withhold if he needs to have some angry sex and Andy confesses he's turning into his father...exactly.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Ron & Hermione: Teenage sidekicks and the character triangle

This Bobocast tries to answer the question: What is so fascinating about Harry Potter?
Also, an analysis of Ron & Hermione and role they play in the series, how they are written, and how the stories progress with them. What role will they have in the final chapter of the film adaptation of the final half of the final book? A short history of Ron and Hermione and how they appear in the books also answers the question - why is the wizarding world so popular?
Strap in Potterheads, this is Bobocast. Nitwit, blubber, oddment, tweak!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Finger Finger Puppet

poke poke

Harry Potter Versus Voldemort: The nemeses explained

A basic primer for Harry Potter newbies and old fans. Why does Voldemort have it out for Harry? Why does Harry desperately want to kill Voldemort? How will it all end? Andy explains the quest for the horcruxes, what a horcrux is, and how Harry and Voldemort have become rivals over the years. Tune in to this week's Bobocast sponsored by The Blemish Blitz Potion!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Farting Terms: When to drop the bomb(s) when love strikes

The boys cover a massive swath of ways to become closer in relationships. Essentially, how do relationships develop (or decline) with vulnerable life events. Being sick is never fun, but caring for your significant other or having them care for you can bring people closer together in a vat of sick and a world of shit. What are the terms of farting together in a relationships? When do you reveal your geeky secrets? When is a woman's sexual prime? All this and more - and my kid gets rid of her hockey hair!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Health Laziness Hits New High: iPhone App Tells Calories In Food From A Photo

I was just thinking, "Boy! I'd love to count my calories, but typing in what I'm eating is WAY too much work." Great news for me! There is a new app ($2.99) on the iPhone called MealSnap that lets you count calories in what you're eating without typing a thing! No more trying to figure out how many calories you're burning by all that annoying typing on the cell phone. Or using your brain too much, either!

The deal is, you take a photo of your food, and it just registers what you're eating and tells you the calories, tracks it, etc. I get it, it's a really cool visual database system that is able to recognize this stuff, but as with many things in life I am left asking... 'Why?'

Monday, April 18, 2011

Animal Wigs


Potter Rises: Finally the podcast shuts up about comic books and talks about the HP universe

The bobocast reintroduces itself as a Harry Potter comedy talk podcast. This episode is a brief introduction of our new sponsor, Flourish & Blotts, a chat about some of the differences in narrative structure between the books and the films, and a little middle name trivia. What's your favorite book and why? Email your answer to or @bobocast on twitter.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Catching Up with Conch Dongles

I said it because it was fun to say, but the reality is, the further one delves into the odd world of the conch shell, and its pee-pee, the stranger things get. First off, the npr story that started it all included some pictures of a Conch fondling another Conch with its wee-wee.

Conch on Conch.jpg

I started looking for other information, to see what the hell is actually going on in this picture. Now, I'm a virgin, and I've never seen a naked lady, but from what I remember in sex education class way back in 4th grade, if you see a pink foldy-lookin thing like that, you're lookin at lady parts. Seems to me there are two sets of pink foldy things in that picture. Which lead to another terrible and wonderous discovery: Conchs are hermaphrodites! Who only have sex in the spring and summer! What a terrible species to be a part of!

But here is the worst bit of information. Apparently predators are not the only ones who eat the ConchDongle. Apparently members of other lecherous races much verge as well. That's right, I'm talking about the human race. For instance, here is a woman named Bridget Marquardt, who apparently was on a Playboy reality show (which is stupid, because Hugh Hefner's life is about as unreal as you can get) called The Girls Next Door. Later, she was on a Travel Channel show called Bridget's Sexiest Beaches, and I tell you all this, because if you make the mistake of google image searching for the term "Conch Penis" you're gonna wind-up seeing stuff like this:

Bridget s Sexiest Beaches Season One  DVD Talk Review of the DVD VideoNow if you look closely, you can see that while Bridget is feeding and being fed Conch Dongle, she is also doing shots. I'll let you draw you own conclusions about doing shots while there are creepy dudes with trays of Conch Dongle lying around. Suffice it to say, the subtitle of this episode was probably "Roofies Ahoy!"

Incidentally, this has messed with my head because I'm working my way through Big Love season 4, currently, and a pair of characters that are featured prominently are the Marquardt sisters, who are Mormon, and never, ever eat Conch.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Giants & Rosie Palms: Michael Jordan's Hitler Mustache

On turning a relationship from lovey cutsey nonsense to a real, functional commitment. Also boner jokes, dick jokes, penis jokes, dong-wiener jokes, and porn facial stories. Michael Jordan's Hitler mustache. Grandad's gay-dar. Yo Gabba Gabba dance party for fat kids and other crazy kids shows. Very very NSFW this week.

"I think a lot of Playboy models' vaginas look like Hitler." -Andy
"My toes just get crammed straight up my taint." -Andy

Chris Rock on Letterman

Friday, April 1, 2011

Bob Dylan 'Original Version' Of Rebecca Black "Friday"

It's Friday (Friday) and the Rebecca Black videos just won't stop. Being this is a Bob Dylan style rendition, it takes some patience to make it all the way through. But you get the idea. Happy April Fool's Day! (Do people say that?)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Top Ten: Things 90s Kids Realize

This website is fantastic! They have very valid points that take all of us 90s kids back in time to when lunchables and ecto cooler were the main focus of our day. I have compiled my favorite ten points they have made and included links to the original articles here:

10. #15 Goosebumps Books Weren’t The Least Bit Scary. [link]

9. #49 Community Is The Modern Day Saved By The Bell. [link]

8. #13 LA Gear Made The Sweetest Sneakers. Ever. [link]

7. #33 Nickelodeon Guts Was Hardcore. [link]

6. #73 DJ’s Boyfriend Is Aladdin. [link]

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Damn You Autocorrect Has It Exactly Right

Entirely too many times I have tried typing things in on my phone, or chat, or wherever has autocorrect and the thing makes me say things I couldn't even dream up to send people. Unlike some people, I read my message before hitting send, though. This website  lets you submit times where maybe you forgot to read your message before hitting send, and seeing the ridiculousness that ensues. Here are a couple of my recent favorites:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Conan O'Brien Spoofs Rebecca Black's 'Friday'

I don't know what the deal is with this Friday song, and why so many have seen it. I do realize it's pretty terrible, and according to Conan O'Brien, it is also a ripoff of his song 'Thursday' he released earlier. Check out the video to verify.

The Poop Tube: Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!

As it turns out, this is really funny. Awkward jokes about poop and stuff make me laugh a lot. If you haven't heard of this, there is a show called Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! on the Adult Swim you might see it. Check out the site here if you like funny things.

Monday, March 21, 2011

FoboCast Sister Podcast Shares Too Much About Themselves.

Discussion topics range from MSU Basketball to French penis statistics, Anne Heche's toot starfish to Red State & Kevin Smith, playing hide the penny sex games to anal dominion. "I would have hated to say it fucking sucked." -Tony on Red State. "Bow wiggy wiggy wah wow" - Andy faking theme music.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Top Ten Charlie Sheen Quotes (To Date...)

So, clearly Charlie Sheen has gone out of his mind and has hit the level of totally nucking futs. Here is a list of the current top ten quotes from his extraterrestrial brain:

10 - "Bring me Dr. Clown shoes."

9 - "If you’re a part of my family, I will love you violently."

8 - “You have the right to kill me, but you do not have the right to judge me. Boom. That’s the whole movie. That’s life.”

7 - "The only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning.”

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Tribute To Animated GIFs Of The 90s

Thank the Internet Gods for the amazing pieces of awesome that animated gifs were in the mid 1990s. Here is a short homage to some of my favorite artists. After all, how else would I know that your website is under construction?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Solowheel: Unicycle of the Future

"Solowheel is the smallest, greenest, most convenient People Mover ever invented ... The Solowheel is very portable and weighs only twenty pounds. This allows you to carry your wheel with you: into a store or restaurant, on an elevator, into work, to the movie theatre, onto a bus or train, or into your classroom. Transportation that provides users with an easy, uncomplicated, straightforward ride is the goal of the Solowheel. So get on and get going wherever you are!"

The question is, how hard is this to balance on?

[via Core77]

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Heartwarming & Hand-Jerking: Only on the Internet!

Occasionally I come across something while browsing that warms my heart. Ad then, maybe a 1/4 of a second later I'll see someone's comment that either causes a LOL, or intense disgust with my fellows. Essentially, it's an "Awwww" type moment, followed by hilarity (mirth?) or disgust.
Rarely, there is a third combination, wherein some algorithm has placed a fascinating, or touching piece of information right next to a ridiculous piece of information. Case in point:
I googled eye-tracking mouse, because i though it'd be nice to have both hands on the keyboard for rapid typing, but I could use these pesky eyes for something like moving my cursor right there. You dig? So I came upon this video example of something exactly like that (, and following the video, I noted the top comments, as selected by Youtube citizenry, aka the Tubery. Someone commented that they are paralyzed from the neck down and have been using such an assistive device for years. The next comment, with only 2 fewer 'likes,' well...

There ya go, America.

Friday, February 18, 2011

MSU Archives: Flickr

Women sitting on the steps of the Women's Gymnasium

Curious what campus looked like before it was overrun with Ugg boots and (until recently) Four Loko?

MSU archives has a flickr, and if you're a legacy student, maybe you'll spot your great-great grandpa somewhere in there, gallivanting around in his M.A.C. varsity jacket.

(via InAnOffWhiteRoom)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Offensive, Funny Personalized License Plates

These vanity plates I see hanging off the back of cars got me wondering, what kind of funny but offensive things are still available here in Michigan. Not surprisingly, the state has gone through some steps to ensure you cannot include the typical profanity and vulgar language. What the state doesn't know is that I use much more than the typical profanity and vulgar language. Here are some of the license plates I found out you can still personalize here at the State of Michigan license plate system.