Just about everyone knows the Mona Lisa, if you don't, it's pretty famous and you should, dork. There's a painter named Leonardo DaVinci, you should know him too, he is the one who painted it. (You know, like the DaVinci code [nerd], or the Ninja Turtle [awesome]). So anyways, being that it is crazy old from 500 years ago, the thing faded a little bit... or kind of a lot. So these people at
Lumiere Technology in Paris did all this fancy stuff scanning the painting and digitally removing varnish coats and all this stuff and we know what it looked like originally, as shown below.

I can't even believe this! I know this work has been out for a little while in a book, but I just happen to come across it recently. I'm surprised I didn't hear anything about it really. Now that I'm looking at the 'original' version here, I notice all sorts of things in the background I never saw before. The detail is amazing in all the new things you can see.
So I thought this was cool, but it didn't have any comedy involved. That's when I realized how many photoshopped Mona Lisa images there must be on the Internet. So, to really piss off DaVinci if he were around, I've included some of the funniest ways to absolutely ruin a beautiful work of art. (Now with more bacon!)
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