So artist James Unsworth is a dude who

likes to draw and sculpt weird scenes with lots of sexy parts looking unsexy.
He's quite good if you like sort of
avant garde creepshow things like this.
His latest artistic endeavor Ninja Turtle Sex Museum is being presented at a gallery in London for a month.
The exhibit aims to highlight incongruous events, such as children's action figures and horrible acts of internet copulation.
According to Unsworth he was thinking about Ninja Turtles and sex as an expression of incongruity when he found that there is an internet subculture of fan fiction and artists who draw Ninja Turtle sex.
The exhibit is mostly Ninja Turtles ignoring their rat master Splinter's words of wisdom, and instead doing things like:
- Swinging from ropes while pooping while having a huge boner while wearing an upside down cross as a belt buckle
- Masturbating together over a pizza while their weapons are placed in...places
- Sex with corpses
The show is supposed to be about what's taboo or something.
Unsworth "In a way the show is a celebration of variety, but it's mostly drawings of ninja turtles fucking dead people."

There is a gift shop.
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