If you haven't seen these guys yet, maybe you should just watch the video immediately. These two guys from the other side of the pond, Mick Dow and Maddy Sparham, are silent prop comedians that are really funny. When I think about the cool halftime shows they have at basketball games, this seems to fit right in but maybe even funnier!? Hooray! Check it out.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Twas The Night Before Christmas: Happy Hour Edition
Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through East Lansing,
All the students went back home,
Few drunk sluts were dancing.
But cool guys like Jon’s,
And Ed’s and ABs,
Still planned to go out,
To the Riv and to Crunchy’s.
And all through East Lansing,
All the students went back home,
Few drunk sluts were dancing.
But cool guys like Jon’s,
And Ed’s and ABs,
Still planned to go out,
To the Riv and to Crunchy’s.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Wishing You A Very Snood Holiday!
Oh boy! It's that time of year again and I made you, Happy Hour Fan, this nice e-card. I used the Snood e-card generator that you can check out here. Now, if you don't know the majesty that is Snood, you need to do yourself some research, real quick like. Snood is a game where you shoot snoods at other snoods until there are no more snoods (numbskulls excluded). I played this game nonstop from maybe 1997 forward. What fun! Do I have a Snood tshirt? Yes. Can you download the fun game for free? Yes, right here. Try out the regular Snood games before anything different like SnoodSwap or something else.
Try using Snood in your daily language instead of other nouns, or even verbs. For example:
Oh snood! I just dropped my f*cking coffee!
Check out the snood on that guy!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Animaniacs Brings The Real Christmas Spirit!
Aside from this Christmas special (which is great) this is how it would typically go:
- Go to stupid school until they finally let you free
- Run home from the bus stop
- Get a big glass of chocolate milk
- Turn on Animaniacs
- Get told your brain is going to rot and you're sitting too close to the TV
- Repeat
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Top Ten Most Arousing Accents
According to a study of 3000 male and female subjects that was conducted by Stanford University, here are the top 10 accents that arouse the opposite sex more. Broken down by sex. (And one last time, we will say the word sex.)
For Men's Arousal:
10. Chinese
9. Canadian
8. Australian
7. Russian
6. Irish
5. Greek
4. Southern
3. Spanish
2. French
1. Italian
For Women's Arousal:
10. Russian
9. Australian
8. South African
7. Swedish
6. Dutch
5. Irish
4. Greek
3. French
2. Spanish
1. Italian
To conclude the point for a male audience, I found a nice video that I think showcases the power of an accent quite well. I know this is an Australian accent, which only made it to number 8 on the list, but allow me to press on. Regardless of the subject matter, which in this case I'm glad to say I am still entertained by even though it features Cookie Monster, the accent here I believe made me more willing to sit through the entire video. (Don't worry ladies, the video is talking about the origin of the phrase Om nom nom nom, so maybe you'll like it too.)
For Men's Arousal:
10. Chinese
9. Canadian
8. Australian
7. Russian
6. Irish
5. Greek
4. Southern
3. Spanish
2. French
1. Italian

10. Russian
9. Australian
8. South African
7. Swedish
6. Dutch
5. Irish
4. Greek
3. French
2. Spanish
1. Italian
To conclude the point for a male audience, I found a nice video that I think showcases the power of an accent quite well. I know this is an Australian accent, which only made it to number 8 on the list, but allow me to press on. Regardless of the subject matter, which in this case I'm glad to say I am still entertained by even though it features Cookie Monster, the accent here I believe made me more willing to sit through the entire video. (Don't worry ladies, the video is talking about the origin of the phrase Om nom nom nom, so maybe you'll like it too.)
I Just Had Sex - Lonely Island
Take a look at Andy Sandberg, Akiva Schaffer, and Jorma Taccone (Lonely Island) doing their thing with a new video.
Features Akon, Jessica Alba and more. Pretty funny.
Features Akon, Jessica Alba and more. Pretty funny.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tweet > Wil Wheaton > I'm Remembering > Today's Special
I am often amazed at the roundabout way I end up finding things on the Internet. This latest gem came to me as I was checking out the ol' Twitter. Wil Wheaton (of Stand by Me and Star Trek: The Next Generation fame) posted a tweet about a blog he's been reading called I'm Remembering! You'll find all sorts of great pictures of old TV shows, pictures of dorky families from the '70s and '80s, and much more there.
Anyway, there was an entry about this great show called Today's Special. By great, I mean typically weird '80s kids television show. I used to watch this, but I haven't thought about it in 15 years or so. At the time, I didn't realize it was made by those Canadians, but it makes much more sense now.
What is your favorite show from when you were a kid?
Anyway, there was an entry about this great show called Today's Special. By great, I mean typically weird '80s kids television show. I used to watch this, but I haven't thought about it in 15 years or so. At the time, I didn't realize it was made by those Canadians, but it makes much more sense now.
What is your favorite show from when you were a kid?
Final Exam Pictures
A few shots from around the web of people who have tagged their photo "Final Exam". Hope it brings you peace and lolz.
More after the jump...
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
What games are in Super Mario Brothers All-Stars Wii?
The games included in this one game are:
- Super Mario Bros.
- Super Mario Bros. 2
- Super Mario Bros. 3
- Super Mario Bros. Lost Levels
This information is posted here because NO OTHER BLOGS ON THE INTERNET SEEM TO HAVE THIS INFORMATION. Jerks.
Top Ten Amazingly Superawesome Things About A Snow Day
After hearing about all the snow day school closings in the area after this first winter storm, I got to thinking about what the best parts about the snow day really are. I took a Happy Hour poll, and I present to you, the "Top Ten Amazingly Superawesome Things About A Snow Day." Enjoy!
10. Sleeping in! Until you're woken up by all the noise your Mom is making trying to find out who the next person on phone chain she is supposed to call is...
9. Snowball fights... sometimes resulting in throwing them at cars passing by...
8. Going sledding... down the hill in your back yard that really isn't big enough to have much fun on
7. Mom waking you up, and telling you to get ready, and THEN seeing it's a snowday. (Stupid little kid running around the house dance erupts while singsonging "No school, it's a snowday!")
6. Thinking the snow day is ruined because it isn't good packing snow, until you go to Chris' house and play with nerf bows and arrows.
5. Making the dumbest contraption with a woodpile and a tarp and calling it your snow fort.
10. Sleeping in! Until you're woken up by all the noise your Mom is making trying to find out who the next person on phone chain she is supposed to call is...
9. Snowball fights... sometimes resulting in throwing them at cars passing by...
8. Going sledding... down the hill in your back yard that really isn't big enough to have much fun on
7. Mom waking you up, and telling you to get ready, and THEN seeing it's a snowday. (Stupid little kid running around the house dance erupts while singsonging "No school, it's a snowday!")
6. Thinking the snow day is ruined because it isn't good packing snow, until you go to Chris' house and play with nerf bows and arrows.
5. Making the dumbest contraption with a woodpile and a tarp and calling it your snow fort.
Maria Bamford Homemade One Hour Christmas Comedy Special
One of the funniest comedians on the circuit. This is a year old, but I'll bet you haven't seen most of the material.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Big Ten Graphic Artists' Alternate Logo Submissions

I am lucky enough to be very, VERY close friends with the illustrator who came up with the Big Ten logo. I had the inside scoop and was able to get these alternate submissions to the official logo committee full of leaders that will soon become legends. Check them out below by clicking 'Read More!' Which alternate logo would you have chosen?
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Video Of Metrodome Stadium Collapse In Minneapolis
My goodness! The Metrodome where the Minnesota Vikings play collapsed after the heavy snowfall. Since there was supposed to be a game there today, FOX cameras were already set up and captured some footage of the roof caving in. (The game has been postponed and moved to Ford Field in Detroit.)
Saturday Funny Tweets - The Hilarious
Christmas sweaters:
Stand-up comedy has a new venue to test out new material - Twitter. Here's a few of the best Tweets from today's comedy goldmineWitstream.
Christmas sweaters:
Stand-up comedy has a new venue to test out new material - Twitter. Here's a few of the best Tweets from today's comedy goldmineWitstream.
Friday, December 10, 2010
The Coolest Facebook Status Of 2010?
"What's less important than a facebook status?" - Me
That was one of my Facebook status(es?) from this year, which I came across in "My Year In Status On Facebook" collage thing. I saw a number of people using this app on Facebook that chooses a number quotes from your Facebook status over the year and makes them into a little image deal. (I've included mine here.)
I usually think this kind of thing is pretty dumb, but when I looked at mine, I thought it was a pretty fun different way to look at my life over the past year. I'm not a person who posts my status to give ridiculous details about what is happening in my life, but I do seem to use it to mostly amuse myself (and possibly some friends).
As we wrap up 2010, what is your coolest/funniest/best Facebook status from this year? Or if you're lame (or know someone who is really cool, I guess) what is the coolest one/funniest/best one you've seen?
That was one of my Facebook status(es?) from this year, which I came across in "My Year In Status On Facebook" collage thing. I saw a number of people using this app on Facebook that chooses a number quotes from your Facebook status over the year and makes them into a little image deal. (I've included mine here.)
I usually think this kind of thing is pretty dumb, but when I looked at mine, I thought it was a pretty fun different way to look at my life over the past year. I'm not a person who posts my status to give ridiculous details about what is happening in my life, but I do seem to use it to mostly amuse myself (and possibly some friends).
As we wrap up 2010, what is your coolest/funniest/best Facebook status from this year? Or if you're lame (or know someone who is really cool, I guess) what is the coolest one/funniest/best one you've seen?
Back to the Future: Ruckus v. Mayhem
Podcast posting from December 10th, 2010 HHour: featuring new, exclusive acoustic tunes from Matt Millia of, Frontier Ruckus. And! A Haiku Battle vs. Mayhem Poets. Check it out on the HHour itunes feed, or through your browser on the Impact site. Plus a whole bunch of really important Back to the Future related knowledge. The usual.
Comedians' Funny Twitter Posts Today
Stand-up comedy has a new venue to test out new material - Twitter. Here's a few of the best Tweets from today's comedy goldmine Witstream.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
(Frontier) Ruckus vs. Mayhem (Poets) +free tix
Join us for a very special Happy Hour Radio Hour, featuring new music played by Frontier Ruckus frontman Matthew Milia. He promises music so new that not even the rest of the band knows it! Also, we get a call from the visiting Mayhem Poets, who will perform live at the MSU Union Friday December 10th at 9 p.m (free). Or, as I like to say: "tomorrow, at 9 p.m."
Oh wait, that's the exact date & time that Frontier Ruckus plays Mac's bar in Lansing ($10), with our friends Gifts or Creatures opening. Looks like we have a Ruckus vs. Mayhem battle going on... Let's settle it with a Christmas Haiku?! FIGHT!
Can't decide what to do? Don't let money dissuade you from seeing Frontier Ruckus. We're giving away a pair of tickets live on Happy Hour. Tune in to win!
Oh wait, that's the exact date & time that Frontier Ruckus plays Mac's bar in Lansing ($10), with our friends Gifts or Creatures opening. Looks like we have a Ruckus vs. Mayhem battle going on... Let's settle it with a Christmas Haiku?! FIGHT!
Can't decide what to do? Don't let money dissuade you from seeing Frontier Ruckus. We're giving away a pair of tickets live on Happy Hour. Tune in to win!
Amazingly Superawesome Top Ten Holiday Movies
Getting in the spirit of things, I decided to make a list of the top ten holiday movies. How do your rankings fall?
10. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
9. A Charlie Brown Christmas
8. Nightmare Before Christmas
7. The Muppet Christmas Carol
6. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
5. Home Alone
4. Dr. Suess' How The Grinch Stole Christmas
3. White Christmas
2. A Christmas Story
1. That Saved By The Bell double episode where the scrooge boss guy thinks that homeless girl Zack likes stole that blazer for her dad but it all works out in the end.
What did Jon miss?
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Movies for Finals Week
Today's Funniest Tweets
Twitter is the premium place for comedians to dish out choice one-liners. WitStream is a collection of the best of Twitter. Check the rolling feed of giggles for the day.
"Honest" Grad School Ad - Skip The Real World and Go Back To School
Did you pursue additional schooling just to bypass the real world like the majority of the Happy Hour Staff?
Check out more at collegehumor.com
Check out more at collegehumor.com
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Boy, you sure are stupid. (404)
Have you ever realized you BROKE THE INTERNET? I was browsing around and ran into Mashable's list of 35 Entertaining 404 Error Pages (those messages you get when you click on a link and there's nothing there.)
My favorite was this one from HomeStarRunner.com:
Also, make sure you check out Strong Bad's e-mails.
My favorite was this one from HomeStarRunner.com:
Also, make sure you check out Strong Bad's e-mails.
Today's Funniest Tweets From Comedians
Twitter is the premium place for comedians to dish out choice one-liners. WitStream is a collection of the best of Twitter. Check the rolling feed of giggles for the day.
"Oh Sh*t... I've Done That..." - 10 Mistakes To Make In Your Life
We here at Happy Hour love lists. We also love making ridiculous mistakes in life (and then maybe learning from them...). According to brainz.org, here are the 10 mistakes that we all should make in life at some point before it's all over. (11 if you count the bonus mistake) We know for a fact that as a group we've got the majority covered, some of us with at least 8 of the 11. Where do you fall in the list? BONUS: Can you guess who from the show has each item crossed off?
1. Get Married
2. Get hopelessly, falling down drunk.
3. Drive the wrong way on a one way street or highway.
4. Fall down in public
5. Sneeze in your hand... and then shake someone's hand
6. Read a lousy book
7. Sing karaoke
8. Romance in the workplace
9. "Lose" your child's pet or saying it ran away
10. One night stand
BONUS: Get Arrested
1. Get Married
2. Get hopelessly, falling down drunk.
3. Drive the wrong way on a one way street or highway.
4. Fall down in public
5. Sneeze in your hand... and then shake someone's hand
6. Read a lousy book
7. Sing karaoke
8. Romance in the workplace
9. "Lose" your child's pet or saying it ran away
10. One night stand
BONUS: Get Arrested
Trapped In A Trunk?? Run Like Hell!
I was grabbing some stuff out of the trunk of my car, when I noticed the emergency pull tag they put in nowadays. So, if you get trapped in a trunk somehow, the glow in the dark tag is there and you pull it and the trunk pops open.
To my surprise, they give you instruction on this tag. Interpreted into words, I think it says: "You were just locked in a trunk!! Pull this tag, jump out and f*cking run because somebody just LOCKED YOU IN A TRUNK!! RUN RUN RUN!!!"
To my surprise, they give you instruction on this tag. Interpreted into words, I think it says: "You were just locked in a trunk!! Pull this tag, jump out and f*cking run because somebody just LOCKED YOU IN A TRUNK!! RUN RUN RUN!!!"
Monday, December 6, 2010
Today's Funniest Comedians on Twitter
Twitter is the premium place for comedians to dish out choice one-liners. WitStream is a collection of the best of Twitter. Check the rolling feed of giggles for the day.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Early 90s Wendy's Beverage Training Video Is A Priceless Gem
I heard you over there, America. I heard you say it. "Jon! Why don't you ever post an example of how stupid some of the stuff in the early 90s was?" Well America, I love the early 90s and didn't want to throw them under the bus...
Until I was directed to this GEM. Wendy's has this absolutely brilliant and phenomenal video made to teach you how to pour a drink. Now, I know there is some actually worthwhile information in here, but I'm also certain it would take you about... 15 seconds just to tell someone this.
THANK YOU DAVE THOMAS, for finally making a down tempo rap about how much ice to put in a cup. THANK YOU.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Outer Space Secrets, Satellite Sale, Arsenic Enemies: Happy Hour Radio Hour, December 2nd, 2010
Yes, there is a secret space shuttle, just like in the West Wing. Also, some kind people, or very clever scammers want to buy a satellite for sale and give the internet to the world. Plus, NASA discovers an "alien" organism in California; finally an enemy all the world can hate. Jon cooks a beer-based steak for Grandma, and tells a skiing story that might have been sexual.
The Happy Hour Radio Hour Podcast, December 2nd, 2010.
Subscribe to the Happy Hour Radio Hour podcast.
The Happy Hour Radio Hour Podcast, December 2nd, 2010.
Subscribe to the Happy Hour Radio Hour podcast.
"Cassingle Of The Week" :: Ace Of Base 'Don't Turn Around'
There I was, 4th grade, a mere youngster. A bit of a nerd of course because I wore glasses. But if there was ONE thing that could bring me into the circle that had girls in it, ACTUAL GIRLS, it would be the power of Ace Of Base.
Sitting on the school bus, cassette player in hand, wearing the headphones before anybody wore trendy white ear buds, I would listen to 'The Sign' album over and over. Who knows how many times that tape was flipped over listening to 'Wheel Of Fortune' or any of the other non-hits before making it back to the mainstays of 'The Sign,' 'All That She Wants,' and of course 'Don't Turn Around.'
I can still sing the lyrics without looking. Hell, I've done it at karaoke at Crunchy's in a bit of an intoxicated state. Probably more than once. What made this cassingle so great is the power that 'Don't Turn Around' had to it that let you know, "Yes, I am so much of an Ace Of Base fan that I prefer listening to 'Don't Turn Around' instead of 'The Sign'." Take that, Laura Dispenza, my fourth grade crush that went down in a ball of flames. I'll sing my way into your heart yet.
Sitting on the school bus, cassette player in hand, wearing the headphones before anybody wore trendy white ear buds, I would listen to 'The Sign' album over and over. Who knows how many times that tape was flipped over listening to 'Wheel Of Fortune' or any of the other non-hits before making it back to the mainstays of 'The Sign,' 'All That She Wants,' and of course 'Don't Turn Around.'
I can still sing the lyrics without looking. Hell, I've done it at karaoke at Crunchy's in a bit of an intoxicated state. Probably more than once. What made this cassingle so great is the power that 'Don't Turn Around' had to it that let you know, "Yes, I am so much of an Ace Of Base fan that I prefer listening to 'Don't Turn Around' instead of 'The Sign'." Take that, Laura Dispenza, my fourth grade crush that went down in a ball of flames. I'll sing my way into your heart yet.
Please Give Craig Rowan One Million Dollars
Craig has a unique strategy. Hilarious requests in part one and two.
An update.
More updates to come. Great smart comedy.
An update.
More updates to come. Great smart comedy.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Did you know that Google can beatbox? Betcha' didn't.
Here's what you do. Go to Google Translate. Set languages from German to German. Then copy/paste this "pv zk pv pv zk pv zk kz zk pv pv pv zk pv zk zk pzk pzk pvzkpkzvpvzk kkkkkk bsch".
Now rap away.
Viral Jump Rope Video
This video has hit all the major viral sites out there. It's the Firecrackers Jump rope Team performing at the US Naval Academy and blowing minds. It is viral because it is amazing. These girls are skipping rope like total ninjas.
Firecrackers link
Holy crap.
Firecrackers link
Holy crap.
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