Mid-Michigan Weekend post is now a regular item! We'll be posting this once per week or so letting people know what the feck to do around town and beyond.
If you do stuff let us know by commenting, calling in and telling us about it, or taking pics or writing a review or something. We'd love to have readers actually check out what's up and do some of the stuff we find.
With that in mind. Do this stuff this weekend! There is a TON going on. Do it.
Friday 11/05
Commodore Cosmos and opening bands at Mac's Bar in Lansing 5:30pm
$6 $8 (whatever that means)
As usual Mac's Bar has the third worst website in the world, so we don't know much about this band, who they are, where they're from, or what the show's going to be like. However the show starts early and Mac's tends to stay open late, so there will likely be a decent crowd of locals hanging out
Spartan Idol Auditions at C132 Holden Hall at MSU
Better be free
Watch MSU students compete for spots in some competition that is vaguely reminiscent of a popular television show! Apparently there are both singing and MC auditions or competitions or whatever this format it. I have watched exactly 2/3's of an episode of American Idol over the course of the one billion years it's been on. Clips here and there, and I hate it hate it hate it. I'm sure Spartan Idol is similar to it. Keep in mind though, my tastes are terrible.
I like this. So if you hate that link, go check out Spartan Idol and report back.
Vagina Warriors: Unplugged at the International Center at MSU
Free and free food ($5 worth) to the first 100 people there
It's pretty much what you'd guess; a battle royale of fighting vag's. If you have a vagina and you want to go, I think you need to supply your own trainer and towels. Otherwise it's just kind of a rumble and the strongest vagina left after two hours takes the trophy. Wait no. It's a celebration of women through dance, poetry, music, and art. Ah hell it'll be fun either way. No vagina needed to attend.
7:30 and 10pm
He make fun on things in pop culture! It's pretty good stuff - wacky antics regarding celebrity nonsense. Nice delivery, smooth and fun, kind of crazy. The clip I saw was from 2007, so I don;t know what he's got nowadays. Might be good to unwind after the election nonsense lately. He's also at Connextions on Saturday.
Bob and Tom radio show is the comedy-type radio program on some local radio station. They bring on comedians and the comedians do their bits a little then they all talk about relatively funny stuff and have generally safe, appealing comedy for the masses. These guys are the promoters of the working, touring comic. They have this show where they can showcase their own comedians and a few guests, so I assume the format is part radio-show and part stand-up. I don't know though. If you go to this, you will laugh. That's a 60% guarantee - better than half. Not my thing, but again, I like weird crap.
Awesome! My friend Paul (I think he may be my half brother in-law in-law..yeah 2X) built the time machine for this, and I assume kids portraying sick, twisted murdering evolved versions of humans will be hilarious and cute. It's got everything! Time machines, kids, weird versions of our future selves, and maybe some hamburgers. Ok I don't know about the burgers but check it out! (Saturday shows too)
Mary Poppins
You know what? Screw Mary Poppins. It'll be at Wharton until November 21st. There's enough other crap going on this weekend without it.
(Saturday and Sunday after the break)