So our, oh so always lovely and always so full of content, Happy Hour show on Thursday, after talking about the infamous American cheese between 2 loafs sandwich got me craving for some grilled cheese!!
I have always had a fascination and appreciation for culinary arts, and so I do the occasional cooking here and there. For most of the time I am fairly successful in cooking up the delicious dish, but the simplicity can leave you vulnerable and easily deceived!
That night after the show, I went on to the grocery store to acquire the necessary ingredients… bread, butter, cheese, and determination (no price on this one). It was not the early evening hours any longer when I arrived back home, but I still really wanted to have my infamous cheese sandwich! Now I would attempt to use my state of tiredness during that time as an excuse, but it will not be valid as excitement drew this hidden energy in me to make this yummy sandwich!
Off I go, turned the heat on, slapped on to the heated pan the both side buttered bread loafs! Walla! I turned my back for a second to cut the cheese into slices, because I have bought the “block” style cheese, and when I went to flip the bread… all I saw was blackness… just like the depth of the abyss in my heart in that split moment… I burned the bread! But I was still hungry, still very much craving for the notorious sandwich that I swallowed that black hole of mine!...
However, out of the hole, a light was found. Not only I was reminded that night, to not judge the children story book by the fact that is presumed simple because it’s for children. But that even in a book like that, skill, timing, concentration, art, and of course… heart!...are all abundantly put into that book, just as I should have done the same, for that cheese sandwich.
Why have I written this? How was I inspired? Is it because that I am writing this past midnight and that excitement factor kicked out the hidden energy for me to be productive once again? Could it be because of my fascination of the culinary arts in creating the perfect cheese sandwich? Or is it truly because of my love that drove me to write this up for the Happy Hour blog… You will just have to return! Tune in to the Happy Hour! And with me, you will discover more than just the art in creating the mouth popping grilled cheese!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Mid-Michigan Weekend 10/30
Here's some of the stuff that's going on for the next couple of days that I could find. Format is event, location, time, price, and a little note about why it might be fun or suck.
Check out our events and attend them. There's tons of stuff going on around here - figured we'd share it. Read more after the break about all the stuff including live-tweeting MSU football, free comedy, bad music, and Halloweeny stuff.
Check out our events and attend them. There's tons of stuff going on around here - figured we'd share it. Read more after the break about all the stuff including live-tweeting MSU football, free comedy, bad music, and Halloweeny stuff.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
No More Waiting! Podcast is LIVE
Check it: Tonight's radio hour program, that you love:
We talked about Fashion, cafeteria food vs fast food (SHAME!)[review this drive-thru related video], I interviewed Jim Rash, who plays Dean Pelton in NBC show Community, how cute girls look in hats, and PJ bottoms. Wear PJ bottoms at my house. David does accents. You won't be happy until you listen to this.
We talked about Fashion, cafeteria food vs fast food (SHAME!)[review this drive-thru related video], I interviewed Jim Rash, who plays Dean Pelton in NBC show Community, how cute girls look in hats, and PJ bottoms. Wear PJ bottoms at my house. David does accents. You won't be happy until you listen to this.
Magic Reviews: Plants vs Zombies
Buy this game. Just buy it and play it. Ok this isn't a review really, but more of an unprompted super-ad from the happiest player in the world.
Plants vs zombies is really fun for gamers and non-gamers alike. The animations are fun and funky. The gameplay is precise and clever, and it's simple yet fun as hell.
Also it's on sale for Halloween for $5.
Plants vs zombies is really fun for gamers and non-gamers alike. The animations are fun and funky. The gameplay is precise and clever, and it's simple yet fun as hell.
Also it's on sale for Halloween for $5.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Here's something. When I was a kid, I wanted one of these Bigfoot cars to drive around in.
My grandma's neighbor, and I don't remember his name, had one. He was a jerk and would never let us play with it. I hate jerks.
Also, what toys did you NOT have as a kid? When you have kids, will they get them? I wonder how much one of these costs nowadays.
Here's something. When I was a kid, I wanted one of these Bigfoot cars to drive around in.
My grandma's neighbor, and I don't remember his name, had one. He was a jerk and would never let us play with it. I hate jerks.
Also, what toys did you NOT have as a kid? When you have kids, will they get them? I wonder how much one of these costs nowadays.
First Aid Couch?
I was browsing for internet today, when I noticed this particular company has an amazing range of product categories. I mean, I know a lot of people in need of a good fork stacker, but how much luck you gonna have moving faith based carpeting? | ![]() |
This is almost as bad...
Spoiled Kids For Halloween
You know, I think it's pretty cool how far Halloween costumes have come in the past 25 years. That being said, these spoiled, rotten little kids who don't appreciate anything need to take a look back at what Halloween used to be like and then shut the hell up.
Exhibit A : Here are the fantastic, fancy new Spiderman halloween costumes I found on the Googler.
Exhibit B: Me as a youth.
How do these costumes compare to this photo of me as a kid dressed up for Halloween as my favorite superhero? There I am looking pathetic with a damn plastic mask that always broke and cut your face or lip somewhere and had a tiny little mouth for you to breathe out of. AND THEN look at that trash bag material junk that's making up the body part THAT DOESN'T EVEN LOOK LIKE the Spiderman suit.
In closing, quit your bitching, kids, until you split your tongue on a plastic Egon mask.
Exhibit A : Here are the fantastic, fancy new Spiderman halloween costumes I found on the Googler.
Exhibit B: Me as a youth.
How do these costumes compare to this photo of me as a kid dressed up for Halloween as my favorite superhero? There I am looking pathetic with a damn plastic mask that always broke and cut your face or lip somewhere and had a tiny little mouth for you to breathe out of. AND THEN look at that trash bag material junk that's making up the body part THAT DOESN'T EVEN LOOK LIKE the Spiderman suit.
In closing, quit your bitching, kids, until you split your tongue on a plastic Egon mask.
Hi Jonathon!
Baby Jonathon was born deaf. He had a cochlear implant. This is him hearing his mom's voice for the first time. Warning, tears may escape your face.
Sad day...
Sad day for the eight legged family, but even more sad for the two legged that likes soccer balls.
Good MOOoooOoOooOOoorning =)
There are few things that I do not like about waking up in the morning. Such as, having to get out of your warm blanket, and try to remember what day it is. But surprises? I'm always up for surprises :)
Sifl and Olly Show
For those of you who aren't old enough to have watched this when it actually aired, first read this.
MTV, I ask you, why did you cancel such a gnarly show?
MTV, I ask you, why did you cancel such a gnarly show?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Getting Excited For TRON!
Comes out 12.17.2010. Official trailer below:
Do you think this can live up to the original??
Comment below.
Halloween Costume Ideas?!?
I need your help!!!
As discussed on the radio, I need a Halloween costume. Comment with ideas for me, or even share the coolest Halloween costume you've done in the past.
The Coach Light Inn - Olivet, MI
I spent the weekend in Vermontville doing manly things like shooting guns and building walls and drilling through 8 feet of concrete. At the end of one long day, we decided to head out to a bar in Olivet called the Coach Light Inn.
Yes, we drank and sang karaoke at this tiny, well-lit establishment that also had kids running around at 11pm. Yes, we did go back there the following morning for breakfast, too (which of course you had to try the special: prime rib, eggs & hash browns).
Monday, October 25, 2010
"Cassingle Of The Week" :: Will Smith 'Wild WIld West'
~wiki, wiki~
Possibly one of the last cassingles you can claim to be in the collection, Wild Wild West was released in 1999. Will Smith has this way of taking other people's songs that were hits, and convincing people that maybe he was the one who came up with it, and those old ones didn't exist at all...
In this case, you may be unawares of the Stevie Wonder tune "I Wish" and the Kool Mo Dee tune "Wild Wild West" that were... let's say... a slight influence on this song. OK, Fine. If you heard the Stevie Wonder tune, you would start singing Wild Wild West because it is straight up the same. Mostly:
Possibly one of the last cassingles you can claim to be in the collection, Wild Wild West was released in 1999. Will Smith has this way of taking other people's songs that were hits, and convincing people that maybe he was the one who came up with it, and those old ones didn't exist at all...
In this case, you may be unawares of the Stevie Wonder tune "I Wish" and the Kool Mo Dee tune "Wild Wild West" that were... let's say... a slight influence on this song. OK, Fine. If you heard the Stevie Wonder tune, you would start singing Wild Wild West because it is straight up the same. Mostly:
Thursday, October 21, 2010
James on Corn
James says:
I am going to forge the most powerful weapon in the world. Made with the finest corn, and tempered with high fructose corn syrup. I will create the Maizemune. How delightfully american and japanese! It will be indestructible to even the most potent of stomach acids!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Vomit Heart Coming to Michigan
This heart art is from my hometown Pullman, Washington. Most people vomit near the sight of it. It's taking a vacation to Michigan (Grand Rapids) where I will visit it with my family. Feel free to join me.
Childhood, Meet 1968 William Shatner
This one is for those weird people. I had to place this video in response to J-Lo's "Childhood, meet Adulthood" post on Facebook of the Lion King clip with MGMT's Electric Feel synced up.
William Shatner has this wonderful way of creating art out of "plain old dumb music" that other people made "popular." As shown here, his spoken word versions of hits like this, or Rocket Man (maybe you saw Stewie do it in Family Guy) are a staple of what makes William Shatner so clearly fantastic as a human being.
P.S. A quote from me regarding my day:
Jon: 12:05pm
Jon: ive done nothing but play with lion king and shatner today
Jon: two cups of coffee down
Not Jon: hahaha
The Crucible, Now with More Masturbation!
My boyfriend brought this gem to my attention this morning as we watched news clips of Christine O'Donnell continuing to make a fool of herself on television.
I think we all either read or watched The Crucible in middle school or high school, but I believe this version would resound more with the sex-crazed youngsters of today.
How DARE you embarrass Daniel Day Lewis!? Do you know what that dude is capable of?
I think we all either read or watched The Crucible in middle school or high school, but I believe this version would resound more with the sex-crazed youngsters of today.
How DARE you embarrass Daniel Day Lewis!? Do you know what that dude is capable of?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Awkward Family Photos: Still Funny, After All.
I cannot say how many times I have gotten stuck going through page after page of these photos and giggling to myself like a little girl.
:: Link Here ::
Monday, October 18, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Speaking of Mashups...
This guy over at Ninja Ink (Timothy Lim) went ahead and mashed up pretty much my two favorite comics ever: Spiderman and Calvin & Hobbes. In this scenario, Spiderman is Calvin, Uncle Ben is Hobbes, Mary Jane is Susie Derkins and Aunt May is Calvin's Mom. IT also points out a number of ridiculous flaws in the whole Spiderman story while sticking to the recognizable style of Bill Watterson.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Gary Jules/Radiohead Mashup
A lot of mashups are just about sticking bad techno beats together with other bad techno beats. Not this. This is beautiful.
WKUK : Bike Up The A$$
Oh MAN, the show "Whitest Kids You Know" is sketch comedy a la Kids in The Hall. Except I dare say funnier and more inappropriate. GOOD NEWS! I'm going to post some of these funny ones for you to laugh at. Oh ya, they definitely swear and stuff so watch out since you're at work reading this dumb blog all day.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The First Time I've Enjoyed Styx - Come Sail Away
Well done, Grand Valley State University, well done.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Stop Lookin' At My Moms
Stop Lookin' At My Moms: "
Video Link. 'Stop Lookin' At My Moms' [sic], by The Astronomical Kid (Twitter / Facebook)
Buy the song, or the album: Amazon
Etymological note: 'moms' is used to refer to one mother, singular; a regional slang term of familiarity and endearment like 'pops.'
Build Your Home with LEGO Bricks
LEGO storage boxes!? They even stack like regular sized LEGO bricks. A nice alternative for those who still wish to play with LEGO bricks, but fear being made fun of on Happy Hour.
(via SwissMiss)
Peniplus: miracle cure for men born with only one penis
Peniplus: miracle cure for men born with only one penis:
A NSFW fake ad from sketch comedy group Rue Brutalia.
A NSFW fake ad from sketch comedy group Rue Brutalia.
Great gag. Totally worth it for the 1-800 number at the end.
Beer With Jon :: Alec Mull, Founders Brewing Co.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
"Cassingle Of The Week" :: Tag Team 'Whoomp! There It Is'
Classic cassingle right here:
Released in 1993, this cassingle gives us a taste of what became a regular option for many cassingles, and the future of rap sampling: the instrumental track. This blockbuster Side A was the original hit, but Side B (remember you have to flip it over...) features the instrumental track without any vocals so YOU TOO can be part of the Tag Team and practice white-boy rapping the lyrics to the original beat and MAYBE if you set up another cassette player and have the instrumental playing in the background, you can make a copy of your very own version of WHOOMP! (THERE IT IS).
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Magic Reviews: Deuteronomy
Deuteronomy is the fifth book in a series packaged together in the Bible.
Yeah. That Deuteronomy.
The old testament yall.
I review it. I review anything.
I also take requests for reviews.
I also take money for good/bad reviews.
But fear not dear readers, nobody cares about my reviews so they are still unbribed and unbiased. Well, other than my clear preference for weird crap.
Anyways, Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Torah, the Old Testament. The main character is Moses, working together with God to try and get the Jews to stop being clowns and start doing right by God. It's actually a summary of the previous books of history and law (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers), so it is the best of the books in terms of its writing, conciseness, and explanation.
Deuteronomy is the fifth book in a series packaged together in the Bible.
Yeah. That Deuteronomy.
The old testament yall.
I review it. I review anything.
I also take requests for reviews.
I also take money for good/bad reviews.
But fear not dear readers, nobody cares about my reviews so they are still unbribed and unbiased. Well, other than my clear preference for weird crap.
Anyways, Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Torah, the Old Testament. The main character is Moses, working together with God to try and get the Jews to stop being clowns and start doing right by God. It's actually a summary of the previous books of history and law (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers), so it is the best of the books in terms of its writing, conciseness, and explanation.
"Cassingle Of The Week" 1st Debut Premiere Inaugural Event 2010

So after having so much fun with the Thrift Store Finds (which will continue) I have decided that we may need to have a "Cassingle Of The Week." Those of you under the age of say... 20... may not know the wonderful existence that is a Cassingle. Short for 'cassette single,' the cassingle rocked our worlds for years before the CD became the mainstay in musical distribution.
On the left is my actual cassette library fake book container. I have a WONDERFUL collection of cassingles I would love to share with you... but only on a weekly basis.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
What Kind Of Lover Are You? -- Quiz
After all that 1980s video dating, and a prompt from a love quiz taken by Autumn letting me know she is a "BADASS," I thought it appropriate to share my love quiz with you. I just had NO IDEA that this quiz would be able to tell that Autumn was a Badass and that for me "the hard part... is trying to choose a partner worthy enough for [me]... WHAT KIND OF CRAZY EGO-STROKING QUIZ IS THIS??? TAKE YOUR TEST HERE. And tell me if they tell you anything bad.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
1980s Video Dating At Its Best!
I love this stuff. Love it. This compilation is just fantastic! Some of my favorite lines were:
- "And I do consider myself a refined... valley... dude..."
- "Hi Mom"
- "I will cry at a commercial"
- "No fatties"
Monday, October 4, 2010
:: Thrift Store Finds :: Thunder & Mud
Now this is a pure GEM. I remember picking this VHS up from a Blockbuster bargain bin maybe 8 years ago. I typically wouldn't try to pass this off as a "thrift store find," but it is so OBVIOUSLY in the same vein and ridiculous that I thought I should share it. (And had I lied to you and just said I got it at a thrift store, you wouldn't know any better...)
This video features the combination of what was most important in 1990: heavy metal music and women's mud wrestling. This is absolutely horrible.... in the best way. Just think... wrestling and then it goes into TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE 1990 skits with "dumb blondes" and a total jerk dude for a host. The idea of any political correctness is thrown out the window, obviously.
So I start writing this blog post and I think, I should find a screen shot online here somewhere. So I search for it and get directed to this Russian site, and I find the prize piece of YouTube...
Here is a clip from the VHS (the Russians apparently love it):
This video features the combination of what was most important in 1990: heavy metal music and women's mud wrestling. This is absolutely horrible.... in the best way. Just think... wrestling and then it goes into TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE 1990 skits with "dumb blondes" and a total jerk dude for a host. The idea of any political correctness is thrown out the window, obviously.
So I start writing this blog post and I think, I should find a screen shot online here somewhere. So I search for it and get directed to this Russian site, and I find the prize piece of YouTube...
Here is a clip from the VHS (the Russians apparently love it):
AND AND AND!!! I found a live performance of the lovely "Critical Mass" by Nuclear Assault.
No kitty for me then, no kitty for me now.
Attack of the whiskers and fangs... with 80's style hair.
$$-FREE-$$ :: "Jon From Happy Hour" Postcards
Hello superfans! As promised on the show last week I said I would post some photos from my youth on the old blogger here. As an added treat, I've incorporated them into fun postcards that were in VERY HIGH DEMAND. My inbox was filling up asking for these for weeks, so I've made a few for you here.

Postcard one: OH MAN check out the full jean ensemble. You don't get it much better than this. In addition, the British Knights shoes are just a wonderful accessory.
Postcard two: HOLY WAH look at that dinosaur wailing on that guitar. I would imagine with the power of his sunglasses he is really soaring. Hi buddy has to hold up the crayons.

Postcard three: The most realistic of the postcard series. This card features a more serious tone, to inform the general public of the sort of thing that may happen if you raise your child the way I was. On left, I appear to have a bright future. As displayed on the right, that fact could not have missed any further from the mark.

Postcard one: OH MAN check out the full jean ensemble. You don't get it much better than this. In addition, the British Knights shoes are just a wonderful accessory.
Postcard two: HOLY WAH look at that dinosaur wailing on that guitar. I would imagine with the power of his sunglasses he is really soaring. Hi buddy has to hold up the crayons.

Postcard three: The most realistic of the postcard series. This card features a more serious tone, to inform the general public of the sort of thing that may happen if you raise your child the way I was. On left, I appear to have a bright future. As displayed on the right, that fact could not have missed any further from the mark.
How Correct Of Me To Own These
I bought these a few years back I guess and stumbled across them. I don't really know the purpose... The best I could figure is there are a lot of the different skin tones in the pack. Things like burnt orange, and tan, and siena and stuff. The problem I found mostly was there are still black and white... And nobody (other than mimes and clowns) actually have 'black' or 'white' skin. Way to corner the children mime market, Crayola.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Magic Reviews: Shambling Towards Hiroshima
Final Grade: This is the best book I have read this year.
(Well ok it's tied for first place, but
Shambling Towards Hiroshima is a novella set at the end of World War II. The main character is an actor in B horror films. The settings, characters, and conversations are throwbacks to this delicious campy time in Hollywood. With oddball characters and the larger than life pomp of Hollywood in the 40's as a backdrop our main character finds the role of his life in a top secret military operation involving the impersonation of a familiar fire-breathing giant lizard.
This story gets four things perfectly right:
(Well ok it's tied for first place, but
Shambling Towards Hiroshima is a novella set at the end of World War II. The main character is an actor in B horror films. The settings, characters, and conversations are throwbacks to this delicious campy time in Hollywood. With oddball characters and the larger than life pomp of Hollywood in the 40's as a backdrop our main character finds the role of his life in a top secret military operation involving the impersonation of a familiar fire-breathing giant lizard.
This story gets four things perfectly right:
Friday, October 1, 2010
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