Friday, February 26, 2010

Jon's Short List -- 'Zombies' have free speech rights too, US court rules

This is great -- so apparently these people dressed up as zombies and went to a mall and were telling people they wanted to eat their brains and stuff. So then everyone was mad, and cops came and arrested all these zombies. Then the zombies went to court and the court says that zombies can have free speech rights too.

Oh, zombies.

Jon's Short List -- Missed Connections

Deja Vu Saginaw - w4w - 25

Looking for the girl that worked at the saginaw Deja Vu on the 22nd of feb that was from lansing. you gave me and my husband a lap dance but never found out when you will be in saginaw agian. you were wearing a white corset. please email if you see this. you told us your real name but not the stange name so if you email say your real name so i know its you

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A little taste of things to come...

Gonna play part of my interview with The Sound of Young America host Jesse Thorn for you tonight on Happy Hour. I've also been inspired with quite a few ideas over the past week since it took place. I'm looking forward to sharing some of those with you in the coming weeks.

Meanwhile, check out what I consider the best 30 seconds of the interview. Here's a link for those who aren't "podcatching" the feed via Feedburner:

Interview Polaroids

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Sound of Young America - The URL of HHour

Hey Gang, quick update. Talked for almost an hour today with Jesse Thorn, host of public radio program "The Sound of Young America," as well as very funny podcast "Jordan, Jesse, Go!" I did not remember to ask him for a post-doc opportunity. But I asked him many other important things, including how he got his nickname "America's Radio Sweetheart." I'll post a few clips before we air part 1 next Thursday.

ALSO, you may have noticed that the url in your browser is Or not. Either way, I bought the domain name (for happy hour, but also a reference to the secret planning of the Normnandy raid in WWI, to take place at a time to be named: "H Hour, D Day") so that's where you can go for Happy Hour news & conversations.

Lastly, podcasts are not so worky right now. We got a new server and all is haywire. Back soon. Promise.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Four days until Happy Hour...

But how was your Valentine's Day? Tell us some stories! Good or bad! We want to laugh and cry, but mostly sleep through the whole thing.

Also, no JLow this week. Why don't you take a seat right there. How does this make you feel?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tune in tonight to win WWE Wrestling Tickets

Hey, FYI just heard that we are giving away tickets to WRESTLING tonight! Tune in to win!

Oh Snap! Valentine's Day Winner!

Damn! Listen to the show tonight to find out who won the Valentine's day 1st prize (weeknight sexy stay at Wild Goose Inn), 2nd (Dinner Maru Sushi & Grill), & 3rd (Pair of passes to valentine's day at Celebration) prize. Get ready!

Gary Coleman, Mice, Pets, and Groin Areas

Ahoy there!
Gonna be a good show tonight, I can feel it! Expect a guest appearance by my roommate Noah, and hard-hitting news about Gary Coleman, sex, & valentine's. Also, fascinating and scintillating products such as the vagina shaped mouse, and poo hole covers for your pets!

Meanwhile, here's a wonderful clip from last week's show, in which we discover we are NOT a program dedicated to automotive advice, but we possibly may be responsible for much of the vehicular manslaughter in the Lansing metropolitain area (between 7-8 on Thursday nights, at least). Also note, manslaughter is a terrible thing, but mans laughter is a good thing.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

America's #1 College Talk Show in Michigan

Hey Friends,

I've been thinking a lot about you lately. Frankly, I'm concerned. Due to the nature of a radio program such as Happy Hour, you're basically screwed if you don't happen to be listening when we're on. We have a podcast feed, but it's sort of out of date. And I was talking to Wonderboy (Jon) the other day and we both agreed that we hate listening to hour long podcasts anyway.

So here's the skinny, this site will be a place for you to interact with show related things & people when we're not on, and I'll post clips from the show a couple times a week so you don't have to wait a full 7 days to get your fix. Sound good?

For the first clip, I thought I'd post the clip I submitted to the Michigan Association of Broadcasters Foundation College Radio Awards contest. That's the one that Happy Hour Won, which helped Impact to win a ridiculous 10th (out of 11) MAB College Station of the Year. We're just so damn proud of the hard work that went into that win from everyone here, and we are tickled, delighted, and truly humbled to have been granted the #1 spot.

Check it:

October 29, 2009: Ferret Attack, Hand on a Hardbody