Thursday, September 30, 2010
Things I Like About Fall
- Cider Mills
- Comfortable temperature = best clothes of the year
- Football season starts
- People come back to MSU
- How nice it looks outside
- Darker beers season
- Annie likes hats
- Coffee outside is nice.
- Haunted Houses and all things Halloweenie (haha)
- Bonfires
- Sleeping in trees dreaming about my pet tiger, Hobbes
What do YOU like?
(What did I miss?)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Magic Reviews: Country Mill
I'll review Country Mill Cider Mill today, because we just went there for some family fun. Country Mill is in Charlotte, highlights include the Orchard Express, a pumpkin patch, some cider, a buttload of apples, supposedly a petting zoo, and some crap for the kiddies to play on.
I Hate Politics
The problem: Illegal immigrants are coming over the border to blah blah blah
A failed solution: Build a fence across the entire border between the U.S. and Mexico.
The actual new hard line immigration stance for the campaign of Tea Party congressional candidate Jesse Kelly is to
...wait for it...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I'm So Smart I Can't Figure Out the Best Way to do Podcasts!
So, I can't figure the best possible ultimate supper efficient awesomest way to do podcasts of Happy Hour. The old way was fine. There are hundreds of relatively simple, good ways to do it, but I'm too smart to do that. Too smart for my own good. In the meantime, you've earned at least this:
Too much television.
I mean, come on! Look at those two preview images, they couldn't match more perfectly.
Exhibit A.
Exhibit B.
What do you think?
Monday, September 27, 2010
:: Thrift Store Finds :: In Bears We Trust
Worth noting:
- It is ridiculous but very patriotic.
- The teddy bear isn't even new, it's pretty worn
(see left raised paw, for example)
- It did not come framed, I had to frame it myself
(also a thrift store purchase separately nearly 3 years later)
- For years there has been a hand-written note from my brother on the bottom that reads: "But only to a point"
You wouldn't think a poster like this would have many stories, but you would be gravely mistaken. For example: At one point in my college career, this poster was stolen (pre-framing for those keeping track) by someone during a party. I posted signs (as shown below) with a hand drawn picture of the poster (and an additional photo at bottom) around the radio station. I knew it was one of those asshole DJs and soon found out the identity of the perpetrator. I went to said person's house with a baseball bat, knocked on the door, and retrieved the poster.
Responsibility Matters.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
James on Monocles
I want to sport a moncle and a top hat and panhandle the panhandlers. I would say, "Could you spare some change for a dapper chap down on his luck." Monocle smile
Friday, September 24, 2010
MSU Alumnus Apparently Hates MSU

Here is a link to his article:
::Click it here::
I think this guy has it totally wrong. What do you think??
Magic Reviews: BlackDiamondSkye
Thursday, September 23, 2010
James On Gravity
I think I accidentally created a star in my stomach. The issue, I believe that star collapsed and formed a black hole. The black hole wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for the gravity of the situation.
Thursday Robot Round Up: Robots + Child Cowboys
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Man Carries Girlfriend’s Head To Happy Hour
When your friend says he killed his girlfriend and is carrying her head around, it’s a good idea to at least check his bag. From Calgary Herald:
A Spanish man calmly drank beer with his mates in a bar with his murdered girlfriend’s head in a bag, press reports said Tuesday.
After leaving the bar on Sunday, the 34-year-old climbed an electrical tower, was hit by a shock and plunged 30 metres (100 feet) to the ground, dying that evening in hospital, they said.
According to a report in the ABC daily newspaper, citing witnesses, the man told friends in the bar in Cordoba, southern Spain, that he had decapitated his 30-year-old partner.
But he was so calm they did not believe him, despite bloodstains on his shirt.
Continues at Calgary Herald …
Thanks Google Visual Voicemail
Magic Reviews: The God Engines
So you're all like "WHAT THE HELL THIS BLOG IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY CRAP AND NOT ABOUT SOME GEEKY BOOK!!!"And I'm all like, "You aint my daddy. I review sci-fi on if I want to. I read a book and I wanna talk about it - make me yo."And you're like, "Yo dick I don't need this crap I can go to College Humor and get my jiggles instead of here - fuck this sci-fi bullsnap!"And then I'm like "HA HA HA YOU'RE BACK CAUSE I LINKED YOU BACK TO THIS POST! Eat. My. CAPSLOCK."

And you're like, "I DIDN'T READ YOUR DUMB REVIEW I JUST SCROLLED TO THA BOTTOM TO MAKE SURE NOBODY COMMENTED ON IT FOOL!"And I'm like, "i got owned..." And then I frownyface.
Mike Mitchell describes this lovely bit of duchampery 'a quasi self portrait of my formative years.'
(via Super Punch)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
James Says
The case of the broken penis
Gentlemen and other penis owners, shield your eyes. The following may be too grotesque for your delicate sensibilities.
It turns out that the boner is just another bone that can be broken.
Scrub, Rinse, Repeat is the blog of prostate surgeon Arnon Krongrad. The good Dr. Krongrad has quite a knack for describing awkward injuries in gory analogy.
By the time I strolled into the emergency department, the young man's member had come to resemble a hybridized sausage having the shiny, soft capsule of a fine Wisconsin bratwurst and the puffy corpus and purple coloration of a morcilla fresh from the Pampas.
Oof. That kind of makes me squirm. The problem is known as 'penile fracture' and it tends to happen—as it did to Dr. Krongrad's patient—during sex. Basic gist: Erect penis gets bent in a way erect penises were not meant to bend, tearing membranes in the shaft and allowing the blood that normally does the job of erecting to leak out into other tissues. Sadly, that was not this particular guy's only problem.
The man shared that upon emptying his bladder, his penis swelled. It does not take a master diagnostician to deduce that in addition to the banal rip of his corpus he had an exceptional tear of his urethra: He was peeing into his shaft. Hence, the Pillsbury penis.
The good news: It's fixable. The bad news: It's penis surgery. In the case of Dr. Krongrad's patient—four hours of surgery involving something called "penile degloving". Nobody knows how common broken penis syndrome is, but one doctor interviewed by Scientific American reported seeing a couple of cases a month. The lesson for penis owners everywhere: Be careful in there.
Scrub, Rinse, Repeat: How's it Hangin'?
Scientific American: Ouch! Can You Really Break Your Penis?
(Via Ivan Oransky)
Image: Some rights reserved by Amanda M Hatfield
"Stupid Notre Dame Sports Guy
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Woman's Perspective
Here is a decent one on sexual frequency:
New Cool Ok Go Music Video
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Johnny 5 vs. Wall-E
Thursday Robot Round-Up
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
C'mon Travel Coffee Mug Company!?!

Dear Migraine Fairy
Dear Migraine Fairy,
Why you gotta be such a bitch?
Seriously, what's your problem?
When the tooth fairy comes,
she leaves a little quarter
When the Prostitute fairy comes,
a sugary bag of syphilis.
But when you stop by,
you pull the broomstick outta your b*tt
then whack me over the eye till I look like Sloth from the Goonies.
Seriously, I hope you die of wing cancer.
Unfortunate street names
Folks who live on Lustful Court in Macon, Georgia are lobbying for their street to be granted a name change. The county commissioners have suggested that the residents submit a petition. Yoshonda Patterson told the Associated Press 'she thinks the name gives people the wrong idea about the neighborhood on the east side of Macon.'
Also in the news this week, the UK's Bladder Lane and Butt Hole Road. And then there's the classic unfortunate street name used in England in the Middle Ages -- Gropecunt Lane -- 'believed to be a reference to the prostitution centered on those areas,' according to Wikipedia.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Portland Has Beer.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Ninja Turtle Sex Museum

- Swinging from ropes while pooping while having a huge boner while wearing an upside down cross as a belt buckle
- Masturbating together over a pizza while their weapons are placed in...places
- Sex with corpses

Dinner Time Pleasantries

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Indie Music is Weird
Monday, September 6, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Arcade Fire Blows Minds
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Turn Photoshop into X-Ray Specs for Nude Viewing

A legend born: A young Mormon, forbidden from looking at porn, discovers a way to Photoshop safe-for-work bikini shots in such a way to let his mind fill in the blanks. It's not porn if it's in your brain.
"Bubbling" Tricks Your Mind To See Anyone Naked [Photoshop]: "
(Via Gizmodo.)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
My Disability
This is sad because beards are great.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Thankfully now there's this: