Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Top Ten Funniest Snowman Pictures On The Internet!
I've done it! I have sifted through all the snowman pictures on the Internet and made the decision for you as to what the top ten snowman pictures Online really are. I will be honest, this was a very tough battle. Judging criteria included: how funny it was, difficulty, level of comedy, creativity, and funniness.
#10: I'm depressed on a park bench, but don't worry, I'm still just a snowman.
#9: Classic - I'm holding my own screaming head snowman.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
My Dad & Little Richard
My dad in the front row of a taping of a Little Richard show when he was in high school. Check out minute 5:11 for the best shot of the cute little dude in the front row with long superblonde hair.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Deconstructing Helter Skelter
I wrote up a short blog post about another blog post on one of my class blogs. Figured it might be of interest to other music lovers as well, so here ya go:
In class we broke down aspects of pop and rock music in general, and festivals, then we talked about Outkast as a performing group. In each case we looked at specific components that made those things unique. Breaking these down let us see some of the patterns that might be present in other aspects of music throughout recent history.This is a link to a fascinating blog post that found separate tracks from the recording of Helter Skelter – a Beatles song off their incredible White Album. In essence, it’s a continuation of the examples in class, just from a more micro, song-specific level.It’s a neat example of breaking down the components of the musical experience to understand what it is that moves us in music.This isn’t required reading for class, but it’s required reading for music lovers.
Monday, January 24, 2011
The United States Of Shame: Thanks For All Of The Cocaine, Colorado; Porno, Utah
The lovely website has made it aware to me that the United States is participating in an enormous game of Would You Rather. Would You Rather: State Edition, soon to hit your block party, consists of analyzing this great map below and deciding as a Michigander if you're happy being worst due to the high unemployment or if maybe you'd like to switch with another state. At least we aren't tops at alcoholism or gonorrhea, right...?
Which one below do you think is the absolute worst?
Statistics and rationale found at
Sunday, January 23, 2011 is Xtranormal
Check out the new commercial as provided by Xtranormal (you know, that site where you can make your own little movies out of text?) So if YOU always thought Mrs. Butterworths was hot, check it out!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
'Swagger Wagon Supreme' Gets Me Excited To Find Myself A Soccer Mom
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Internet Clip Reviews: Paula Abdul Teaches Kids How To Do The Barbie Dance
Flying around the Information Superhighway can be a daunting task. Nowadays, there are literally dozens of little movies that I'd love to watch if someone would just sift through them for me. Feel the same way? You're in luck! I'm going to help you by reviewing this video I found floating around cyberspace.
There was a show in the 80s called Barbie Dance Party. I can't imagine actually watching it, but this clip was good because Paula Abdul is here to help us learn the Barbie Dance. Upon watching the video and how Miss Abdul generally functions, I have decided she was probably always crazy, not just a new development. Skim through this gem and learn the Barbie at home! Bonus gem at the bottom!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Professor Rick Rolled! Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" Hidden In College Paper
This one is pretty cool and amazing. This college student wrote a paper where the first word of every line ends up being the lyrics of Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley. Obviously this is clever and amazing. I can't imagine how cool this person feels about RickRolling their professor in proper written form.
Check out the full written form by clicking the image below:
More info here at gizmodo.
Check out the full written form by clicking the image below:
P.S. This image with the words on either side kinda looks like it is giving you the finger.
More info here at gizmodo.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
BREAKING NEWS: Astrology Still Horse Crap
BREAKING: Astrology still total nonsense since invention in 3000 B.C.E. Nobody surprised.
Recent news of an additional hereto unknown astrological sign has sent American media into a frenzied identity crisis. The plague on social media websites of people posting their new, old, or preferred has reached an all time high since the news broke Wednesday, January 12th.
"Acceptable levels of horoscope posting on Facebook rocketed upwards starting on Wednesday," said fake source Alex Muscleytoes, "I guess people are trying to figure out how to integrate this new aspect of this made up system into their daily lives."
Recent news of an additional hereto unknown astrological sign has sent American media into a frenzied identity crisis. The plague on social media websites of people posting their new, old, or preferred has reached an all time high since the news broke Wednesday, January 12th.
"Acceptable levels of horoscope posting on Facebook rocketed upwards starting on Wednesday," said fake source Alex Muscleytoes, "I guess people are trying to figure out how to integrate this new aspect of this made up system into their daily lives."
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Podcast: Sleepy Time Movie Reviews
Another fabulous Thursday with friends, including a surprise visit from Creepy Uncle Weber. Jon reviews movies, naps, reviews more movies. J-wize wears a hat. Where's J-Wize? Why does she hate Pirate Radio so much? Find out on another edition of HHour:
The Snow Cleaner Video - Amazing Patience
This gentlemen has a love and passion for his car, or working on the snow, beyond any human I've ever seen. This is how it's done people. True persistence.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Viral Global Warming Video
This viral global warming video from England demonstrates how to stop some of the nonsense that gets said when it snows. Just because it's snowing doesn't mean global warming is fake. Have a laugh.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Cable & Satellite TV Companies Now Offer Poor Customer Service With Online Chat
Wonderful news, America! I found out recently firsthand how wonderful customer service has become online using a chat client! Here is a possible scenario that is eerily similar to my experience:
Study Finds Music Triggers A High Like Sex & Drugs
According to a McGill University study, researchers found that music causes the release of dopamine in the brain, similarly to sex, drugs, food, money, etc.
The McGill team at the Montreal Neurological Institute is led by neuroscientist Robert Zatorre, and recently published the results of their study in the journal Nature Neuroscience. According to Zatorre, "If you are hooked on music, it won't cause you to waste away, it won't give you health problems." Probably unlike some of the alternatives of drugs and sex...
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Mona Lisa Remastered?
Just about everyone knows the Mona Lisa, if you don't, it's pretty famous and you should, dork. There's a painter named Leonardo DaVinci, you should know him too, he is the one who painted it. (You know, like the DaVinci code [nerd], or the Ninja Turtle [awesome]). So anyways, being that it is crazy old from 500 years ago, the thing faded a little bit... or kind of a lot. So these people at Lumiere Technology in Paris did all this fancy stuff scanning the painting and digitally removing varnish coats and all this stuff and we know what it looked like originally, as shown below.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Rich Rodriguez Fired From UM
Richrod Fired.
Tuesday January 11th, 2011-- Detroit Fox News reports that Rich Rodriguez has been fired from his position as head coach of the University of Michigan football team.
Rumors of UM ending Rodriguez' contract have been circling for weeks, if not months. It appears that the final Gator Bowl game loss to Mississippi State (score 52-14 was the largest bowl game loss by Michigan in school history) was the last straw.
Additionally, Rodriguez went 0-3 with Michigan rivals Ohio State in his tenure at UM, and 0-3 against in-state rivals Michigan State.
An article from Detroit Fox News reports that UM "Althletic Director David Brandon would not immediately name a replacement."

Rumors of UM ending Rodriguez' contract have been circling for weeks, if not months. It appears that the final Gator Bowl game loss to Mississippi State (score 52-14 was the largest bowl game loss by Michigan in school history) was the last straw.
Additionally, Rodriguez went 0-3 with Michigan rivals Ohio State in his tenure at UM, and 0-3 against in-state rivals Michigan State.
An article from Detroit Fox News reports that UM "Althletic Director David Brandon would not immediately name a replacement."
Red State - A New Kevin Smith Film
Red State is a horror movie. It is not filled to the brim with dick & fart jokes and pot humor. Red State is reported to not look like a Kevin Smith film--a sentiment that Smith himself touts with pride. Red State is also not a political movie. When the title was announced some vituperation from the political right came to bear, but previews and discussion of the film have revealed that it is certainly a horror film more than anything else, even when the internet seems to say otherwise.
Another twist on Red State is the way the film is being marketed. Typically, a $10 million dollar film will cost another $5-10 million in its budget for marketing. It's a typical Hollywood studio strategy. You make a movie, then advertise the hell out of it to try and grab a wide audience. Kevin Smith is taking a different route.
Monday, January 3, 2011
The Cheap Beer Taste Test
People across the world have amazing ways to kick off the new year, and for our celebration, three of us here at Happy Hour decided to do a cheap beer taste test. The three sampled a number of cheap beers and made very simple notes on each without knowing what was what. Check out the results:
Sunday, January 2, 2011
The Greatest New Years Resolution Of 2011

Be cool, and give more high fives. It's so simple but awesome. If you're crazy awesome (I doubt it, I'm not), maybe you'll try the one additional high five every day of the year so by the end you give 365 high fives a day!
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