Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sock Flipping - So that's what the kid's are calling it nowadays

It has come to my attention that researchers* at UC Berkley have achieved the next great step in robotic advancement involving item classification and management.

The robot in the video identifies an inside out sock** as compared to a outside out sock, then proceeds to flip the sock*** on a "sock flipping post**** to achieve dual outside out Sockification.

Profoundly disturbing video:

* By researchers I mean masturbation enthusiasts
**By sock I mean fleshlight
***By flip the sock I mean masturbate enthusiastically
****By sock flipping post...well if you don't get it by now you are definitely reading the wrong blog

Welcome to the future of sock flipping robots*****.


***** By sock flipping robots I mean robots who jerk off masturbation enthusiasts

1 comment:

  1. My God that was hot! My favorite part was how delicately he smoothes out the 'sock' after it has been thoroughly 'flipped.'
