Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thanks Google Visual Voicemail

So I signed up for the Google thing where it will send me an email with a transcription of my voicemails. Sometimes, it gets kinda close, but usually it's way off. I still think it's cool for a number of reasons, but check out the latest transcription, and tell me it's close:
(The red words are "approximations" and the blue words are "for sure right.")

We're Johnson, Thank you Bob Dole, gimme a call back when you get this see you. Hello.

The actual transcription should be:

Jon, it's Tank, gimme a call back when you get this. See ya.

To summarize, yes Google thought I was Bob Dole, and yes I have a friend named Tank.


  1. I totally know what you mean. I've had many weird transcriptions.

  2. Tank knows a thing or two about bolt thread counts.
